Kombucha Recipe - 5 Simple Steps... How To Make Kombucha Tea with Kombucha Kamp

  • 13 years ago

Brewing Kombucha is a simple process that yields delicious, healthful femented tea. Though it may seem intimidating at first, this 60 second video shows just how easy it is to make Kombucha. Share it with your friends!

Then visit the recipe page to download FREE illustrated instructions on How To Make Kombucha Tea, with Hannah Crum of Kombucha Kamp.


"Kombucha is an all natural health beverage chockfull of probiotics and other healthy amino acids. Probiotic literally means "for life". Unlike antibiotics, which kill ALL of the bacteria in your body, even the good stuff, probiotics re-establish the natural ecology of the intestinal flora. Probiotics are said to boost immunity, enhance mood, fight allergies, detoxify the body and rid the body of disease. The Kombucha benefits you experience may vary.

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