Equestrian Vaulting - How to do a shoulder hang on the neck

  • 13 years ago
To do a shoulder hang on the neck facing outside the circle, you need to start by kneeling down with a leg stretched on the side of the horse. Here it is the left leg. Then, hold the left grip with your right hand, like this. The left arm is going to place itself on the neck of the horse, just like if you wanted to go around it. The body will balance itself naturally, therefore you need to use your abs, your gluteus and stretch your body up to your toes. Like if you were going to touch the sky. When you are a beginner, it is easier to only stretch one leg and leave the other one folded against the first one. Once you are well balanced, don’t hesitate in stretching the other one, it will be nicer and even more impressive for the spectator. Once the exercise is finished, come back softly in the sitting position. You now know how to do a shoulder hang on the neck facing outside the circle. See you soon for other videos!
