Rain-triggered Landslide Leaves 17 Dead, 15 Missing in Shaanxi Province

  • 13 years ago
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And in the northwest province of Shaanxi, a rain-triggered landslide has left 17 people dead and 15 missing. The rain stopped yesterday afternoon, but the damage is still being felt by many.

The death toll from Saturday's rain-triggered landslide in China's northwest province of Shaanxi has gone up to 17. Another 15 people are still missing.

On Saturday, more than three and half million cubic feet of rock and mud came crashing down a mountain in Baqiao district of Xi'an City.

The landslide buried several workshops, a brickfield and destroyed part of a ceramics factory.

The rain stopped on Monday afternoon.

According to local authorities, the rain-triggered flood has affected about a quarter million people in Hanbin district of Ankang City.

Nearly half a million local residents have been relocated. About 5000 homes have collapsed, and more than 11,000 homes destroyed. No casualties have been reported.

As of Monday afternoon, the water level was still rising.
The flood has also engulfed large areas of farmland, as well as some rural and urban roads.
