Here are 5 ways to avoid being "that guy" in Social Media.

  • 13 years ago
"Hey! I'm talkin' here!" We've all met that guy.You know the type. Talks loud, fast and all about himself. Ever try to have an actual conversation with someone like that? Pretty tough, isn't it?

Do you want that guy in your Facebook feed? Yeah, we hid him, too. (Sorry, guy.)

Here are 5 ways to avoid being "that guy" in Social Media.

Add value by engaging in other conversations before starting your own

Listen and respond more than you talk about your own stuff

Share interesting, relevant information and give credit to the source

Ask questions and have fun with it. Promote your agenda like a person, not a marketing machine.

And again, talk less. Listen more. A heck of a lot more.

Social media is meant to be social. Treat it like a real conversation between actual people and you'll do just fine. Need some more help? Give us a shout and we'll help you get the conversation started.
