Electronic Family Festival - After movie

  • hace 13 años
Electronic Family thanks all of her visitors!

There has been a lot of tension with us as Electronic Family's organization the past weeks. We launched the first outdoor trance festival in Holland at a time in which the entertainment branch has been severely hit by the economical crisis and a tax-increase on ticketsales. Was this the right decision? Was it wise to bring life to this festival at a time like this?

As from now we can clearly state that it was. We have never seen such unanimous overenthusiastic response from a crowd to a first edition of a festival! Obviously we have started something that the crowds were looking for and we dare to say that the visitors were given value for their money. This is what made July 30th a great day and it would have been absolutely perfect if the sun had been shining.. But there's gotta be something left for next year!
