Ukraine Tackles its Nuclear Waste Problem

  • 13 years ago
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Government officials cut the ribbon at the opening ceremony of a complex for the production of steel drums and iron-concrete containers to be used for storing Chernobyl toxic waste.

The factory is in Slavutich, a city 35 miles from the Chernobyl nuclear power station.

Waste from the Chernobyl complex will be stored in the the containers at a special disposal "Vector."

[Igor Rudnicki, Head of Ukrtransbud Corporation]:
"They they will be placed in special storage facilities, which will be closed with concrete. Some will be concreted, some will be completely covered with a layer of soil. In this way the waste will be stored for 300 years."

The complex plans to produce over 34 thousand steel drums and 700 iron-concrete containers a year.

Construction of the plant was financed by the European Union.

As expected, the company will be able to address the disposal of pesticides and various chemicals in Ukraine, in addition to handling radioactive waste.

In general, the European Union has allocated to Ukraine more than 1 billion euros for the program on nuclear safety.

NTD News, Slavutych, Ukraine
