Wall Street Equities Co. LTD (WEQ - WEQ.F), Private Wealth Management

  • 13 years ago
Wall Street Equities Company Limited trades under the symbol WEQ.F -WEQ on the Deutsche Borse Stock exchange-Wall Street Equities is an offshore holding company which operates much like an international hedge fund. The company specializes in acquiring companies and taking them public and in the interim pays dividends to its customers on each acquisition- Their focus, which is primarily on real estate and revenue-based acquisitions which they in turn purchase at a deep discount-- The Company has a large following of broker networks, specializing in Debt instruments, and several connections to bank owned properties, which they feel are going to be key factors in generating the profits and revenues which in turn may increase the value of the company tremendously. WEQ.F also looks to make investments with established companies, each with over 90 day trading periods which Wall Street Equities projects to make approximately a 25-75% return based on its investment in a short time period