"Don't Drink The Rain" From The CD "Rings" By Jimmy D. Lane and Bevalee Butler'Lane
  • 13 years ago
Jimmy D. Lane - Music, Guitars, Bass, Drums
Bevalee Butler' Lane - Lyrics, Vocals, Keys

To Purchase "Rings" visit: ( http://www.mymusicsite.com/Mediadetails/AlbumMediaList.aspx?AlbumId=5810 )

This video is dedicated to everyone affected by the tragedy that took place in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945. To see and learn more about what actually happend, click this link (http://stagevu.com/video/fqryaepmrrmy)... and watch.

Here is a link to the preview of the above linked movie "White Light/Black Rain" (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mfpiO8ZjIk0&playnext=1&list=PL9C1507CE...

"Don't Drink The Rain" from the cd "Rings" by Jimmy D. Lane and Bevalee Butler'Lane. Copyrights and Publishing by Jimmy D. Lane and Bevalee Butler'Lane through ASCAP/SEBAL Music Publishing 2010

Peace~ J & B