Royal Couple Muck About in Northern Ireland

  • 13 years ago
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And now on to Northern Ireland, where Prince William and Kate Middleton get their hands dirty at the muddy grounds of an agricultural college. Let's take a look.

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It would appear so, as Prince William and Kate Middleton ended their first trip to Northern Ireland on Tuesday by getting their hands dirty.

At Belfast's Greenmount Agricultural College, the two delighted the crowds when they each grabbed a heavy fencing tool and hammered in a post.

Apparently the task had originally been intended for William but Middleton showed she wasn't work-shy. She joined in, despite wearing heels in the muddy paddock.

The couple then spoke to a group of young farmers and ended their visit by looking at bridal bouquets.

The trip is the latest public appearance by the couple since their engagement was announced last year.

The couple's visit to Northern Ireland came days after it was announced Queen Elizabeth would make a historic visit to the Irish Republic. This will be the first visit by a British monarch since the partition of Ireland in 1921.

William and Kate will get married on April 29.
