Ukrainians Are Becoming Fewer

  • 13 years ago
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In Ukraine, as well as throughout Europe, fertility is in decline. The average family has one-and-a-half children. While couples in European countries are hesitant to have children out of a desire to build a career first, in Ukraine the causes are more diverse. The details from our correspondent in Kiev.

Every year Ukrainians becomes fewer and fewer. Although the mortality rate in the country gradually decreases, the sources of demographic crisis increases - Ukrainian do not hurry to have children. The reasons, and their opinions are quite strong.

[Polushkina Irina, Young Mother]:
"Career, finances, house, etc."

In addition, to raise a child, one needs considerable funds.

[Oksana Shevchenko, Young Mother]:
"[Money is needed] all the time for the children, in the garden, for curtains, for heaters. Always in the school: for the 500 hryvnia, and other things. In general, there are a lot of problems. "

According to the State Statistics Service there were 17 thousand less children born last year than in 2009 in Ukraine. According to UN projections, if present trends continue, the number of Ukrainians willdecrease by almost 35 percent by 2050.

Experts note: the birth rate has decreased significantly due to lower levels of wealth in the family and the economic crisis.

[Kathrina Lukyanova, Member of Parliament]:
"The economic crisis has lead to the fact that a woman does not want to give birth, because she fears she will not be able to come back to her job, and someone will take her place. So [the fear is] while she gives birth, someone else will take her career."

Low fertility in Ukraine has another reason - some couples are unable to bear children. Smoking, alcohol, and environmental degradation significantly affect the health of women.

According to physicians on average, every fifth woman in Ukraine is relatively sterile.
