Mr Sandless Metro Atlanta Online Reviews
  • 13 years ago
THANKS SO MUCH FOR A JOB WELL DONE!!! Great customer service - it's hard to find these days. You were able to answer all of my questions honestly and professionally. Thanks so much for a job well done. I'm extremely happy with my floors!!! Mr Sandless Metro Atlanta does great work and are very reasonable in price for what they give you!! J. B., Cumming, GA

GREAT JOB!!! Great work Mr Sandless Metro Atlanta you did on my floors!!! This process took only six hours to do and I was back in my house in less than thirty minutes and no mess or bad smells. Great Job!! Steve B., Atlanta,GA

VERY PLEASANT AND NICE TO WORK WITH!!! Very Pleasant and nice to work with Mr Sandless Metro Atlanta!! C.A. Stone Mountain GA

MY FLOORS NEVER LOOKED BETTER!!! Donna; The best service and wonderful results!!! My floors never looked better! Nancey C., Grayson GA