I Lha Formosan - 3D'4D' Film
  • 13 years ago
This is the first 4D film in the world taking the indigenous people of Taiwan as the subject matter. The main plot of the film is about the hunting of a large wild boar by Bunun hunters. After the glacial epoch, Taiwan continent was newly formed. The legends of the indigenous people sailing across the sea were the common mythology of indigenous tribes living in the southern island. In the 17th century Zheng Cheng-Gong had a big fight with the Netherlands. Passing through a history of 400 years. Taiwan finally comes to the modern days. The film not only has scenes as grandeur as epics, but also chooses the world famous Bunun ballads as the background music.

Language: available in English and Chinese
Length: 16mins. 18secs.
5.1 surround sound. HD4D.

Film by YAOX5D Group. All Rights Reserved.
For more information about this 3D'4D' film, please visit our website: http://www.yaox.com/e-index.html