Blast From Sub-power Station In Mexico City Injures 12

  • 14 years ago
Short circuits have been reported at five sub-power stations in Mexico City. One of them caused an explosion which injured personnel.

Twelve people were injured after an explosion at a sub-power station in the middle of Mexico City at dawn on Thursday.

A short circuit caused an underground transformer to explode at this building.

Civil protection authorities say the situation is now under control.

Short circuits were also reported at four other locations although there were no explosions, just smoke.

[Elias Moreno Brizuela, Director of Civil Protection]:
"We are reviewing what happened to see what caused it (explosion). There were a series of short circuits, five short circuits. This is where the situation was worse. It did not involve underground cables, such as on other occasions. It was a transformer which is found inside this building. At the moment the situation is under control.”

The building was empty during the blast, but public officials were injured when investigating the short circuits.

[Elias Moreno Brizuela, Director of Civil Protection]:
"During the explosion, eight firemen, two members of the federal electricity commission, one rescue worker and an auxiliary policeman who worked here at the Foreign Ministry were injured. They were all taken to hospital and none were seriously injured. They had burns to their faces and hands because they were working there directly.”
