Deuces! From My Ex Girl to My Next Girl!

  • 14 years ago
Yo, I'm saying deuces and that means PEACE! I'm Audi, I'm looking at the front door like the Large Professor back in the day and I'm saying what Chris Brown can't say, but I understand. This joint is just how a brother feels after a big let down by a chick and we have the right to express ourselves too. I'm fly like the motherplane on this one...don't bite that!

The beats and rhymes are fire! Real hip hop and the brothers now have a new anthem! "Where were you when I needed You last winter Bu? What? This is sick!
Enjoy it and puff puff pass it on to your peoples!
RevolutionaryArt Innertainment
Facebook Kamal Imani
Twitter cipherkam
I'm mad as hell and I'm just not gonna take it anymore! (lol)