[AtS] Wesley/Lilah - Iris
  • 14 years ago
AU; Wes and Lilah are together, and Lilah starts to fall for Wesley (not saying anything to him about it, obviously, because she's Lilah and because she doesn't believe he'd feel the same way). Wes breaks it off, but saves her from the Beast's attack at Wolfram & Hart, and Lilah finally tells him how she feels. At first he doesn't believe her and goes back to his life at Angel Investigations, but he can't get Lilah off his mind and realises that he cared more for her than he had realised - he was falling in love with her. He tracks her down and they get back together, much to the dismay of pretty much everyone (especially Fred), but Wesley sees that what he has with Lilah is too special for him to give up.

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