Live - Seen Thru Eyes of Heart - Interpersonal ...

  • 14 years ago
2010-08-14 1st - Live Journal, Mayan day 2 Light or Lord or Sun ♥ TRANSCRIPT: It's live, but there are some ponderings on it here - ♥ iTunes podcast ♥ channel Intro: How’s THAT for a title, huh? Hope I hit the nail on the head. It’s a challenge to capture in a few words the essence of what was said - what the journal presents or contains. Quite a trick, that. Oh well - as you listen from heart and from Light you know what is meant. You simply feel it. I’m aware of that. So, this is one real heart sharing of a simple something that happened to me, and what followed from that. Don’t you find that Source always uses the supposedly little, mindane (‘typo’ for mundane) things in your life to present other lessons, inside? I do. Anyway, I was given to see how the spaciousness opened up to me in my relations with friends. I was blessed to see deeper into that - and that’s what I share with you, in the live journal that’s recorded via the link up above. Come let me share that with you. It went farther, of course - as all journals seem to - and ranged widely over such things as why don’g the higher beings just come down and fix up this mess for us. Why don’t they appear for us? What’s keeping them back? So I spoke a while in the flow of how I saw hierarchy working - what I saw into that... Distributed by Tubemogul.
