Ken Lauher Feng Shui Show

  • 14 years ago Feng Shui Consultant Ken Lauher helps others achieve their goals, get unstuck and live a more fulfilling life. This is an example of what he does, how he does it and the results he produces through the use of practical Feng Shui techniques that he has learned over the years. If you are ready to create the life you always dreamed of start today! Watch this video, do your homework and subscribe to my videos. You can make it Happen! Ken Lauher advises individuals, businesses and organizations on how to implement practical Feng Shui solutions to help you achieve your goals & live a more fulfilling life. His inspiring and transformational work with well known actors, actresses, TV Hosts, singers, songwriters, CEO's, businesses, and corporations has made him a sought-after speaker on feng shui and life enhancement. Based in New York City, Ken works with local, national and international clients. Top 10 Reasons Why People Seek Help With Feng Shui 1. Increase money and overall wealth 2. Find love 3. Improve career 4. Experience Peace & harmony 5. Improve marriage or existing relationship 6. Balance 7. Help with creativity 8. Feeling stuck in their life or with their current situation 9. Improve family relations 10. Improve work relationships Are you experiencing any of these difficulties? Are there other areas of your life that you would like to seek help with using Feng Shui?