Christians,The Devil, And The Power Of Words

  • 14 years ago
By the power of words God spoke the whole world into existence.
By the power of words God created the first people, Adam and Eve.
By the power of words Satan deceived Eve and got her eat the forbidden fruit.
By the power of words Kings are established and Kings are brought down.
By the power of words wars are started and wars are ended.
By the power of words the knowledge of God has been given to us.
By the power of words Satan would like to deceive you and fill you with lies.
By the power of words Satan creates confusion with questions, did God say that?
By the power of words Satan wants to silence the Christians.
By the power of words Satan is getting his message out there.
By the power of words Satan the devil has his own words, they are preconceived words.
By the Power of words the devil wants to put words in the Christians mouth.
By the power of words many Christians are falling prey to these preconceived words.
