People in Opposition to Comcast Cable Part Six
  • 14 years ago
People In Opposition to Comcast Cable – Part Six
Ruth Baker speaks against Comcast Cable’s plans to shut-down “Live” community television in Wilmington, Delaware. Television has shut-out Blacks and other minorities from the very start and now Comcast Cable plans to discontinue local “live” community television after thirty years of bringing information to the African American community of Wilmington, Delaware. Community producers and supporters of Leased Access Producers Association (LAPA) demand that the City of Wilmington, Delaware require that the leased access studios stay open and continue “live” cablecast. They call for the cancellation of the franchise agreement with Comcast Cable and the establishment of a democratically elected board that represents the technological future of the city. Comcast Cable does not represent the interests of community access and refuses to even meet with producers and programmers. The people own the right-of-ways and the air waves not a corporation or the government. Wilmington’s cable channel 28 was the stepping stone to the political support of current Vice President Joe Biden, who appeared on many local channel 28 television shows to sustain his career?