What Does a Planet of Peace Look Like ?
  • 14 years ago
2010-05-12 1st Journal TRANSCRIPT: http://www.scribd.com/doc/31419610/What-Does-a-Planet-of-Peace-Look-Like iTunes podcast http://www.itunes.com/podcast?id=371766765 Blip.tv channel http://theresaaharvey.blip.tv/ Intro: Many of you have been listening, hearing what the Andromedan Council propose, through Alex Collier’s January lecture, which I’ve posted. Wisely, you’re going over parts and pieces of it, again and again, or so say my YouTube Insight statistics. Bravo for us! That’s just what we need to be doing. It brings about deep change. Actually, it accelerates the changes that were already ongoing, within you. Much change is happening to each of us, but we’re filtering it out, based on our beliefs, on what we find acceptable. As long as we’re living in mind that’s what we do. More and more, though, we’re coming right out of there. No longer so trapped nor so limited, we’re willing to take brave steps out into the new. We feel it, oncoming. We want to explore. Heaven knows, and we do, that what we’ve had going on these last years won’t do any more. It just won’t do. So what does a planet of peace look like? That was an important piece of this lecture by Alex; that we’ve got to begin envisioning, begin seeing, imagining just how we want things to be. That will help. Believe it or not, it doesn’t matter... that will help. So let’s do it! Everyone, start visioning. Start seeing your dreams. Spend some time daydreaming. It’s one of the best things you can do. And don’t put any fear in it, remember. Even though it makes no sense to the mind, who sees good reason to fear all around, just leave that behind. The thing I would add to Alex’ suggestion to envision this planet of peace, of course, is to do it from heart space, for heart space is wiser. You’d be amazed at your power to envision from there. Check it out. So what does it look like? Everyone, let’s start visioning; let’s start sharing...