We're Not Little Children

  • 14 years ago
5th Journal 2010-04-26 Transcript: On Scribd - http://www.scribd.com/DeepPeace Intro: You’re not little children. You’re grand, magnificent star beings, yourselves. What, did you think you were native, here, to this planet? Well, okay, let’s look at that. We’ve been lied to, endlessly, and manipulated completely, until we literally didn’t know who were were. That was our current state. Not any more, though. We just have to come up out of both fear and blame to be able to handle the discussion, now. That means come into heart. Please, go back and re-listen to Shortcut to Presence a time or two. It will help you settle down, and center down in your chest. There’s literally a whole kingdom in there, just waiting for you to enter in and reign like a king. You’ve got to find the freakin door first, though. The heart, my dear; the heart. Okay, so you’re star beings...
