01-01-06 ESX Server Resource Pools (Standalone Host)

  • 14 years ago
In this video I will show you how to
• Create virtual machines
• Boot virtual machines
• Understand the Virtual Machine system files
• Identify VM virtual hardware components

Let’s go ahead and create a virtual machine. To do that, we can right-click in a resource pool and select New Virtual Machine, or we can right-click on the ESX server and select New Virtual Machine.
To install an operating system, you must use the virtual machine's console. The VM console allows access to the BIOS of the virtual machine, and offers the ability to power on and off and to reset the virtual machine.

- A configuration file (. vmx),
- One or more virtual disk files (first virtual disk has files VM_name. vmdk and VM_name-flat.vmdk;
- A file containing the virtual machine's BIOS (. nvram);
- A log file (. log);
- A swap file (. vswp);
- A snapshot description file (. vmsd); this file is empty if the virtual machine has no snapshots.