Step One of The Creationist Method: Throw The Book at Them

  • 15 years ago
This videos intent is a comical insult of religious attacks on science; it is not an attack on religion itself. If religion stayed out of science (and the law) then I would not have such an issue with it.

Do not be so foolish as to believe that science disproves religion or vice versa. That is just not true, religion's core is a faith in the existence and activities of a covert deity, and therefore not disproved by the overt facts of a totally unrelated subject such as evolution. Science and religion have no relation to each other and one cannot disprove the other.

Note: Do not use this in whole or in part, other than linking to my original here and do not copy and up load it to your profile as if it were your work. Also do not use this for commercial purposes or profit and do not use this or parts of this for your own video. To sum it up this is my original work not yours treat it as such.