The Truth About Alice In Wonderland
  • 15 years ago
Somehow, a lot of people are convinced the only way to exercise amazing and vivid imaginations is to be high on drugs or crazy. BELIEVING THAT IS CRAZY! Remember that saying "dare to dream"? The big, positive imaginations are what make our world great!

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland is entrenched in popular culture, but most people have never read the original story. There are parts of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland that artists and movie makers completely ignore while including other parts that are completely fictitious; and there is a myriad of people who have died never knowing they'd been lied to. This is the very reason Glenn Diddit created this unabridged adaptation of Lewis Carroll's timeless classic, so our generation can finally know the truth.

Glenn Diddit's Alice Adventures in Wonderland, a Literature Through Art© Novel available now. See for yourself what Lewis Carroll really told the world, and stop letting other people tell you what you should believe.