California's Broke, But You Shouldn't Be
  • 15 years ago California and several other states are broke, but you don't have to be. If you were issued an IOU instead of a paycheck I want you to call me. Visit my site, watch the presentation, call me Tish Washington, 626-945-5987 if you have any questions. Per Yahoo News Article — State employees will be forced to take another day of unpaid leave a month, in addition to the two days leave they were forced to take starting in December. (NYT) California, which faces a deficit that could top $24.3 billion, may have to issue about $3 billion worth of promissory notes this month to state contractors, college students and taxpayers owed refunds unless there is a budget-balancing agreement. Atlanta, Georgia, Alabama, Kansas, Connecticut, Missouri, Maryland, are all in the same boat as California. You can work ReGenesis2x2 nation wide. Live blessed, not broke.