• 15 years ago
Story,Camera,Acting,Sound,Music by Lil Nice Wolf Sweden Thursday,Friday 25,26 June 2009.Okay it’s been a while since I did my last video.There is no direct reason but other than lack of ideas manageable in a decent amount of time.Some drawing animations have been postponed because of the good hot weather.Something came up that was filmed in a couple of hours and edited fast.A big problem is the way the stills are extracted.With the original cut,I got undesirable thumbs.First after shortening some parts and prolonging others,I got my favorites.The drawback was that the total impression is a bit random or confusing with non optimal lengths.I really hope that the algorithmic thumbnail changes to the better in the future.It’s not fair play to give the partners the possibility to upload a picture of their choice while the rest are stuck with a bad mini poster for the cover.After all,many regard this as the most important tool to attract viewers.The warm part of the year is better than winter to do outdoor takes.The battery lasts longer,the fingers don’t freeze while operating the equipment and the body keeps the energy without a lot of clothes.Planning isn’t necessary as in cold temperature.This day I put water,glasses in my backpack.As extra safety,socks,paper was carried and off course the tripod.I less than an hour ,I traveled to the recording location close to an oil company with the famous ever glowing fire high up in the air.My goal was to find a tree with branch to climb and at the same time be fully visible from the view point angle.One blooper was done by not taking enough consideration to the direction of the sun beams.Afterwards the exposure turned to dark by the automatic light measurement circuits in the optical gear.This was corrected to certain by heavy gamma amplification but is not perfect.The second mistake is looking right into the lens instead of slightly to the side.Decreasing seconds made the failure look great and not worse.Several sticks was dead and broken and the rest was easy to smash.
