Torr ROK (Phase 3)

  • 15 years ago
This is phase 3 of a song I am working on. It is basically me taking phase 1 and experimenting on it. I have cumulatively spent about 4 hours working on this phase. This song project is inspired by my friend Torr. Her name is similar to that of the mighty Norse thunder god Thor and she is half Norwegian and so I thought that hey maybe I could try putting a little thunder to this phase. Sort of put a rock tinge to it. I think that this phase 3 fits the "Torr ROK" song title. I might have to alter phase 2 later on when it is joined with phase 3 and with all the other subsequent phases to come. I have no idea how this song is going to be when it is completed. I am just creating pieces or phases here and there and I hope that it will all fit together... eventually.
