Ramadan Tariq - Women's Rights

  • il y a 15 ans
=> 216 vidéos avec Tariq RAMADAN http://www.dailymotion.com/group/113471
During Dr Tariq Ramadan's lecture at the University of Toronto the topic that gave the most audible reaction was on the rights of women. He clarifies his views on women's rights within the Islamic framework. He reasons that Muslims should stop imposing rulings on women and realize that there is a spiritual connection and journey women have with God.
"Are you going to impose onto people to pray? They will pray with their body and not pray with the heart?" - Dr Tariq Ramadan

Radical Reform : Islamic Ethics and Liberation
Islam, La Réforme Radicale : Ethique et Libération
L’Autre En Nous...
Une Philosophie du Pluralisme
=> Florilège d'ouvrages de Tariq Ramadan
