033 - iPhone Puzzle Party
  • 15 years ago
In this episode we celebrate capitalism with Fruit Juice Tycoon, horde fruit with Super Yum-Yum 3, check out your picks for funniest video game ever, and ask the question: what's the most frustrating moment you've ever come across in a video game? Fruit Juice Tycoon - Puzzle, iPhone, Minoraxis, Inc., $1.99 Super Yum-Yum 3 - Puzzle, iPhone, AirPlay, $4.99 Tombed - Windows, Puzzle, Anna Anthropy, http://tinyurl.com/gettombed Don't Save the Princess! - Windows, Puzzle, Shen Games, http://tinyurl.com/getdtsp Deathbeam - Windows/OS X, Arcade, Noonat, http://tinyurl.com/deathbeam -- Ludum Dare 14 - LINK Aids Walk Donations - LINK