Made in Germany | Fat Cats Under Fire for Inflated Salaries
  • 15 years ago
Six-figure bonuses for bankers helped cause the global financial crisis and continue to harm the economy,according to thirty-six-year old Geraint Anderson. And he should know. Anderson spent 12 years working as an investment banker in London. During that time he worked for Commerzbank and Dresdner Kleinwort among others.The onetime banker and his colleagues frequently received bonuses that far outstripped their regular salaries. Shortly before the onset of the financial crisis he quit his job and wrote a book about his experiences. The headquarters of the investment bank Dresdner Kleinwort is based in Germany’s commercial capital Frankfurt. It is currently undergoing a merger with the Commerzbank. Christian Pricelius visits the bank and asks how it intends to tackle the controversial issue of managers’ bonuses in the future.