This Doctor Wants To Discover The Next Breakthrough Drugs In Dermatology

  • 6 months ago
Try freezing a wart off the toe of a screaming, kicking child. No fun for the kid—or the doctor. Waldman, a Connecticut-based dermatologist, cofounded Veradermics to develop a treatment to remove the wart (and the drama). His first product, currently in Phase 2 clinical trials, uses a microneedle patch—basically a high-tech Band-Aid—to treat the growth with immunotherapy that kills the underlying virus. Armed with $38 million in funding, Waldman is now targeting hair loss, eczema and other skin problems. Veradermics is on track to have five new treatments in medical trials by the end of 2024. Says Waldman: “It’s pretty crazy when these things go from a whiteboard and translate into the clinic.”