'Thank goodness Meghan is not coming': Queen's relief on the day of Philip's funeral

  • 8 months ago
In his explosive new book, Revenge: Meghan, Harry And The War Between The Windsors, Tom Bower claims on the day of the funeral, the monarch told her aides: "Thank goodness Meghan is not coming." Buckingham Palace declined to comment on the book, but sources close to Her Majesty said she would have been thinking only about her late husband, who had died at age 99. In his biography, released next Thursday, Mr Bower says of the Queen: "To comply with Covid restrictions she would grieve alone inside the chapel. 'Thank goodness Meghan is not coming,' the monarch said." Meghan said at the time she would not be travelling as she was seven months' pregnant with daughter Lilibet. Mr Bower writes of ...
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