Women Who Use ART Later Experience Natural Conception
  • 8 months ago
A full 20% of women who required so-called assisted reproductive technology, either IVF or ICSI, later become pregnant naturally. University College London reproduction scientists conducted a meta-analysis of 11 human reproduction studies dating back to 1980.

These studies followed 5,180 women for over 2 to 15 years after they had either in vitro fertilization or intracytoplasmic sperm injection. The pooled data for those women who delivered a baby following IVF or ICSI indicates that a full 20% of them achieved pregnancies via natural conception.

The study flies in the face of the popular notion that, once a woman requires assisted reproductive methods, she will always require this help. It’s a call to those couples who welcomed a child using IVF or ICSI to try for a sibling the natural way before with repeating assistive methods or going for an adoption.


#ivf #ics #assistedreproduction #naturalconception