Amazing Photos of Natural Disasters

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Amazing Photos of Natural Disasters 2015 HD 1080p

1. Eyjafjallajokull Volcano, 2010 (Iceland)

2. A Landslide Closed Highway 1 in California, in 2011 (US)

3. A Massive River of Lava Flowing into the Ocean Shortly Before Dawn (US)

4. Undersea Volcano in Tonga, 2009 ( Polynesian)

5. A Volcano Erupting During Storms in the Middle of the Night, 2008 (Chile)

6. Running From The Tsunami, 2004 (Indonesia)

7. Hurricane Force Winds, 2012 (US)

8. Eruption of Mount St. Helens, 1980 (US)

9. The Largest And Deadliest Wildfires in California (US)

10. Mobilizing in the Middle of the City by Boat, 2005 (US)

11. A Huge Crack in the Highway After an Earthquake, 2012 (Philippines)

12. Buildings Collapsed After an Earthquake, 2010 (Haiti)

13. A Young Man Marooned by Flood Waters Seen from a Helicopter, 2010 (Pakistan)

14. Lightning Storm in Roswell, New Mexico, 2010 (US)
