We Have A Pope (2011) | Official Trailer, Full Movie Stream Preview
  • letztes Jahr
Year (Jahr): 2011
Release Date (Veröffentlichungsdatum): 2011-04-15
Duration (Spieldauer): 100 min
Title (Originaltitel): Habemus Papam
Country (Land): France
Original language (Original-Sprache): Italian
IMDB: 6.7 | Rotten Tomatoes: 66% | Metascore: 64 | TMDB: 6.8

Nanni Moretti (THE SON'S ROOM, CARO DIARIO) joins forces with the great French actor Michel Piccoli (CONTEMPT, I'M GOING HOME) to tell the story of Melville, a cardinal who suddenly finds himself elected as the next Pope. Never the front runner and completely caught off guard, he panics as he's presented to the faithful in St. Peter's Square. To prevent a world wide crisis, the Vatican's spokesman calls in an unlikely psychiatrist who is neither religious or all that committed, played by Moretti, to find out what is wrong with the new Pope. As the world nervously waits outside, inside the therapist tries to find a solution. But Cardinal Melville is adamant: he does not want the job, or at least needs time to think it over. What follows is a marvelous insight into the concept of a human being existing behind the title of God's representative on Earth. HABEMUS PAPAM is the latest film by Moretti to make wonderful use of humor while dealing with serious issues and continue to showcase his deep humanism.
Habemus Papam – Wir haben einen Papst. Doch der hat leider keine Lust auf sein Amt, also heißt es Habemus Papam – Ein Papst büxt aus. Kardinal Melville ist zum neuen Papst gewählt worden, doch er fühlt von dieser unerwarteten Aufgabe vollkommen überfordert und weigert sich, auf den berühmten Balkon am Petersdom zu treten und sich der Weltöffentlichkeit zu zeigen. Während der Vatikan nach Ausreden sucht, um das Nicht-Erscheinen des Papstes zu erklären, wird ein Psychotherapeut geholt, der den Auserwählten von der Couch wieder auf die Beine bringen soll.

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