3 Crazy Fitness Myths You Didn’t Know Existed

  • 2 years ago
In this video, we're going to bust three crazy fitness myths that are going to make you rethink your approach to working out.

We all know that working out is important, but did you know that some popular beliefs about fitness aren't actually true? In this video, we're going to debunk three of the most common fitness myths and show you how to be fit the right way. From working out too much to not eating enough, these myths are about to be put to the test!
In this video, we're going to dispel 3 of the most common fitness myths that people believe.
Did you know that the "ideal body weight" isn't the same for everyone? Or that overestimating the amount of exercise you need can actually be harmful to your fitness goals? Watch this video to learn the truth about these and other surprising fitness myths!