Coleman concedes on 171 ballots in MN US Senate Court Case

  • 15 years ago
More at Video-Chuck Olsen, Text-Noah Kunin -- Quick recap: lots of talking about previous positions by each campaign, when those positions were taken, when they were reversed. Not a lot of discussion on who actually got the most votes. In fact, the scope of this election contest actually SHRANK. Upon questioning from Joe Friedburg, Deputy Secretary of State Jim Gelbmann discussed the chain of custody regarding 171 ballots unscanned ballots in a voting machine during the recount. Satisfied with Mr. Gelbmann's explanation, Friedburg dropped that complaint from the Coleman election contest. While yesterday was dominated by testimony from Mr. Gelbmann, today the Coleman legal team mixed it up a little with testimony from two additional voters whose absentee ballots Coleman claims were improperly rejected. Overall, Coleman's argument is that a lack of adherence to statute or rule requirements should not mean those votes are rejected as long as they are registered voters in MN.
