American Siege Trailer - Bruce Willis

  • 2 years ago

STARRING: Bruce Willis, Timothy V. Murphy, Rob Gough, Anna Hindman, Johann Urb, Cullen G. Chambers, and Trevor Gretzky

RUN TIME: 90 minutes

RATING: Rated R for violence, language throughout and some drug content.

GENRE: Action, Thriller

SYNOPSIS: Washed-up Sheriff Ben Watts (Bruce Willis) guards the secrets of the wealthy residents of a small Georgia town. When three outlaws take a prominent town doctor hostage in search of a missing woman, Sheriff Watts is called in to handle the situation before the FBI arrives. In a race against time, mayor Charles Routledge (Timothy V. Murphy) pressures Sheriff Watts to launch an assault on the hostage-takers and to eliminate all witnesses. When the Sheriff realizes he may be a pawn in a larger scheme, he must carve a bloody warpath to expose the truth behind the town’s dark secrets.

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