Anthony Kaun Hai 2006 Bollywood Hindi Action movie Sanjay Dutt Part - 1

  • 3 years ago
Starring Sanjay Dutt , Arshad Warsi ,Minissha Lamba
Plot:- The film is set in Bangkok, Thailand. It starts with Master Madan (Sanjay Dutt), an underworld killer perforrming a mission to claim debt from someone, and taking Anthony Gonsalves (Arshad Warsi) as hostage. Master threatens the debtor to kill Anthony if he doesn't repay the debt in two hours. However, the Anthony Gonsalves claims he is not the Anthony Gonsalves he's looking for, and tells him a story to clairfy.

The Anthony Gonsalves says his real name is Champak Chaudhary, alias Champ. He made a living by forging passports, ID cards and all other legal documents. He was in love with Roza (Anusha Dhandekar), who agrees to marrying him. During their wedding, Champ is arrested and later sentenced to 6 months in jail.
