Workers' demonstration Liniers Finance Market Bs As 1973

  • hace 4 años
Bs. As .: Demonstration of workers of the National Market of Finance of Liniers in repudiation of the sources of work and unemployment. Report where the journalist Tico Rodríguez Paz comments: "Exactly 8:25 in the morning. A car of the Federal Police Infantry Guard now prevents access to a group of people who have been advancing on Avenida de los Corrales in the direction of Liniers National Market. We are going to attend a dialogue that exists between a high official ". General views of a group of men making statements to the press. Report to the workers, in which they are asked: - How many people does this problem affect? -What are the causes of this problem, that is, so that people can understand? -Why do you make this very serious complaint? Then the journalist comments: "This is what happens, I reiterate, in front of the Liniers National Market. The Federal Police does not allow people to approach the refrigerator, the National Treasury Market, here in Liniers. Until this moment no incident was registered, it is In other words, by talking to a commissioner, he managed to prevent the protesters from advancing along this line, that is, so that what happened yesterday did not happen.I reiterate, the Federal Police has taken measures from an early hour in front of the Liniers National Market. This is happening now in front of the National Market of Liniers, tear gas, they are the first in the morning today. We reiterate, a tear gas has exploded here, very close to us. Surprisingly, they have started to open the doors of some trucks and cattle again on the street like yesterday. The police until now had maintained an expectant attitude, but they began to launch tear gas, due to the large group of people who were in these moments here, he came to another door of the Liniers National Market. Another truck that carries pigs, right now you are seeing it, a group of people have practically covered it and they are taking out animal by animal. We see the police approaching behind us, surely to launch tear gas on these people. This is happening 20 meters from the Liniers National Market. -The cavalry corps is acting, there are some bullfights, all this 50 meters from the National Treasury Market, here Liniers. More police are approaching, here comes another group of mounted police. Tear gas has been launched to try to clear the area; there are also three tanks of the Federal Police Infantry Guard. (Tico Rodríguez Paz)
Date: 9/5/1973
Duration: 9 minutes 30 seconds
Film code: D-01365

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