A Staggering Number of People Forget to Clean This One Place in Their House

  • 4 years ago
There’s no denying that keeping a house clean takes a lot of work, and most of us manage to stay just ahead of the mess.However, no matter how extensive your chore chart, there are some places that will be forgotten.While cleaning the toilet isn’t at the top of anyone’s list of favorite activities, it does normally get done.But what about that spot right behind the toilet?.If thinking about that spot hit a nerve, don't worry, you aren’t alone.It’s not as easy to scrub down or disinfect, and that’s why it often gets ignored or forgotten.That said, it really should be cleaned, and the best way to clean it is probably with a mop and your cleaning product of choice.Or use a sponge or scrub brush with soap and hot water and a good dousing of disinfectant.The silver lining to this whole endeavor is that at least it’s a small area to clean and shouldn’t take more than a few minutes
