Delighted children carry 700lb swordfish ashore in the Philippines

  • 5 years ago
Footage shows the moment delighted children carried a 700lb giant swordfish ashore in the Philippines.

Local fisherman caught the mammoth fish off the coast of Davao Oriental on October 25, sparking scenes of excitement.

When the boat arrived, dozens of children and teenagers paddled out to the boat to help carry the 10ft long fish to the port.

The huge fish meant a sizable payday for the single fisherman when his catch was sliced up and sold at the local market in the village of Baculin.

Julie Bandayanon said it was her neighbour who caught the giant fish.

She said: ''This is the biggest fish ever caught in my town as far as I can remember. Everyone was so excited."

Julie said that the bigger pump boats had to assist the lucky fisherman, who was sailing alone in a small wooden vessel.

Swordfish are a prized catch in the Philippines because of their expensive meat.