BTS Wipes - Two public entities roleplay over top of Sesame Street's 50th

  • 5 years ago
This footage originated from the "Sesame Street" street unveiling in New York City, where an actual street is now named after the show on the day of the show's 50th anniversary.
The goal of this project was to instead pervert the focus away from Sesame Street, and depict two well known public entities as Sesame Street characters - as one of these public entities just so happened to also be celebrating its 50th anniversary in business at the same times as Sesame Street.
The message was conveyed successfully and furrowed a few eyebrows.

The footage was motion tracked many times using various tracking techniques - due to the camera's unnatural barrel distortion and the footage having hard compression baked-in straight out of the camera.
Compositing methods were used to blend 2d assets such as images and synthetically generated assets over the media to cement the assets in the real world.
The careful use of matching minor details, such as the way the camera handled pixel density was an important and key factor in making this believable. The effects do not need to be perfect, but in this case they did need to sell the idea that all of this was really part of the story.