Popular Meteor Shower Of The Year Peaks On Monday, Tuesday Nights

  • 5 years ago
There are few things more special than watching a shooting star streak across the sky on a warm summer evening. You'll have your chance Monday and Tuesday nights, when a dozen meteors per hour and possibly up to 50 or more at its peak are slated to dazzle the heavens after dark.
Meteor showers occur when Earth enters a spattering of space-borne debris. The debris usually stems from a larger object - namely a comet or asteroid - that passed by long ago. The Perseids occur as Earth passes through the debris trail of the comet Swift-Tuttle.

NEWS SOURCE :- https://www.ndtv.com/science/perseid-meteor-shower-to-dazzle-before-dawn-on-monday-tuesday-nights-2083735?publisher=newsstand

