Caramel & Apple Tart In Spirals Makes For An Elegant Treat

  • 5 years ago
Caramel & Apple Tart: A Delicious Showstopper For Every Occasion
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They are available all year round, always fresh, always sweet and always crisp — of course we're talking about apples. It's no surprise that tasty apple recipes abound. Particularly in fall and winter, we enjoy apples of every hue, be they yellow, red, or green. So today, we present another famous dessert recipe with our favorite fruit.

You'll need:

For the dough:

- 12.3 oz flour
- 2 tbsp butter
- 1 egg
- 1 pinch salt
- 5 fl oz warm milk
- 4 tbsp sugar
- 1 small packet dried yeast

For the filling:

- 4 tbsp butter
- 2.6 oz cream cheese
- 3.8 oz brown sugar
- ½ tsp cinnamon
- ½ tsp salt
- 3.5 oz chopped walnuts
- 3.5 oz cubed apple

For the sauce:

- 1.9 oz butter
- 1.9 oz brown sugar
- 2 tsp cream
- 1 tsp vanilla flavoring

Here's how:

1. First, put the flour, butter, egg and salt in a large mixing bowl. Then add the sugar and dried yeast to the warm milk and stir them in. Then add the milk to the rest of the ingredients in the mixing bowl. Using an electric whisk fitted with dough hooks, knead everything into a dough, then cover it and leave it to rise for an hour. After that, knead it through once more, then roll it out into a rectangle on a flour-covered work surface.

2. Combine the butter and the cream cheese into a uniform cream using a fork. Add the brown sugar, cinnamon and salt to this. Then mix the cream thoroughly again.

3. Now spread it over half the rectangle of dough. Sprinkle the nuts and apple cubes on tob and then fold the empty half of the dough rectangle on top. Cut the dough into around eight equal strips. Twist the strips into spirals and then place them in a spiral, working from the center outwards, in a pie plate, until it's full. Then bake in a convection oven for 25 minutes at 340°F.

4. In the meant time, melt the butter and add the brown sugar to it. Bring the sauce to the boil and the cream and vanilla flavoring. Keep the sauce simmering until it reaches the desired consistency. Finally, pour it over the tart.