Japan expected to announce removal of S. Korea from whitelist around Jul. 31

  • 5 years ago
정의용 "日, 7월31일 또는 8월1일 화이트리스트 배제 발표 예측"

National Security Advisor Chung Eui-yong... expects Japan to announce that it will exclude South Korea from a "white list" of countries on national security grounds on July 31st or August 1st.
According to the chair of Party for Democracy and Peace... during the meeting with party leaders, the presidential adviser pointed out Tokyo is going through the process of taking Seoul out of that list.
Chung Dong-young... explained, when that happens, South Korea will have to receive individual six-month valid approvals for more than 850 products,... from an inclusive approval that's valid for three years.
Justice Party leader Sim Sang-jung,... said, the National Security Advisor mentioned that Seoul may have to reconsider renewing the General Security of Military Information Agreement with Japan... which was signed in 2016 to effectively respond to nuclear and missile threats from Pyeongyang.
Although Seoul wishes to maintain the intel-sharing pact, that stance may change depending on the circumstances.
