Caso Sebastian Bordon - Testimonio ex policia exonerada de San Rafael 1997

  • hace 5 años
Mendoza: The effervescence produced by the Sebastián Bordon case commemorated to unmask corruption cases in the San Rafael police. Graciela P, former police exonerated from the force for questioning that methodology revealed links of justice with illegal activities. Graciela was a companion of the suspected corporal Merello Gimenez, although she claims not to know the events that took place in the El Nihuil detachment that culminated in the death of Bordon. Insert boat crossing by river. Police stopped near patrol car of the criminal delegation. Patrolman advancing on the street. People outside the police headquarters. Testimony of the ex-police Graciela. Police work in the field where they found the leather of Bordon. Facade of the detachment El Nihuil.
Date: 10/17/1997
Duration: 1 minute 53 seconds
Code: UG-2075

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