Salaakhen: CBI investigation in Aarushi murder case

  • 5 years ago
India News: A special CBI court, hearing the Aarushi-Hemraj murder case on Monday reserved its order on the pleas of dentist couple Rajesh and Nupur Talwar.
Additional Sessions Judge Shyam Lal reserved the order for tomorrow.
"Court today reserved its order on our applications. It has fixed June 18 for pronouncing its order on these applications," said Talwars' counsel Manoj Sisodia.
On June 12, Talwars had submitted a list of 13 persons before the trial court seeking their appearance as defence witnesses in the case.
While on June 11, the accused had moved a petition seeking reports of brain mapping, polygraph, narco analysis and psychological tests.
They had also sought a number of exhibits, which were collected by the Noida Police and CBI during the course of investigation.

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