Ajay Releases Tape Of KRK Accusing Him Of Taking Bribes From KJo | ADHM | Shivaay | Bollywood News

  • 5 years ago
The box-office clash between Ajay Devgn's Shivaay and Karan Johar's Ae Dil Hai Mushkil just took a vicious turn. Ajay officially released an audio tape of a phone conversation between his business associate Kumar Mangat and the infamous Twitter personality Kamaal R Khan. The dialogue between the two has KRK clearly saying that the only reason he praised Karan Johar's ADHM and dissed Shivaay on his Twitter account was because the Dharma head-honcho gave him 25 lakh rupees for it. Check out the audio tape and Ajay's official statement in this video:
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