Jorge Rafael Videla on the process of reorganization 1980

  • hace 5 años
Tour of President Jorge Rafael Videla in the province of Santa Fe. At this moment, directly from the provincial cultural center, in Santa Fe, LRA 14 Radio Santa Fe broadcasts. President Jorge Rafael Videla arrives accompanied as is by the governor of Santa Fe. Province of Santa Fe, Vice Admiral Jorge Desimoni and the General Secretary of the Presidency of the Nation, Division General Eduardo Alberto Crespi and other authorities. At this moment, we salute the public, we have calculated approximately more than 600 people. The presentation of the Argentine president begins where he expresses: - "Ladies and Gentlemen, it is particularly pleasing for me to maintain this direct and personal encounter with those who in some way represent the community of Santa Fe, and I want to encourage this opportunity to fulfill three different purposes. first I finish a synthetic comment of the work developed in these 2 days of work in the province of Santa Fe. Second term: make an assessment of a personal nature regarding the progress of the process of national reorganization and in the third term: make a reflection on Our future Argentina, that's why, gentlemen, I require of you, beyond your attention, what can be my personal points of view, I ask you to accompany me in the reflection, above all, to that ultimate theme, the Argentina of the future, that Argentina that we can not expect nor should we expect it to reach us, but instead we should go out in search eda to make it possible, to build it among all. We are aware of this situation that is not desired but was planned to be able to stop inflation once and for all. Then the journalists ask him the following questions: Jorge Lozano from Canal 13 Santa Fe - In this continuity of the process as you and many times have said it will produce a change, a change of men, that is, a new president In March, it is also true that we always run the risk of having a legal and non-licit criticism in our society, you said it very well and I believe that within the criticism there has been some kind of observation regarding the real powers of the Executive Power, that is, of the president of the Nation beyond all known, of everything accepted I ask you synthetically some kind of reflection or clarification, expansion around that figure that is the military committee? - My question goes to this Mr. President, that is to say, if the operation of the military committee diminishes in some way the decisions of the Executive?
Date: 11/24/1980
Duration: 11 minutes 37 seconds
Film code: F-00076

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